There are few singers like Lidia Valenta. Her music blends many genres, drawing influences from classic, pop, jazz and blues. Her distinct, high recognition voice has an intimate quality to it, and in her soft tones she evokes a calm, yet passionate strength. She is always on the move, eager to explore art forms, innovate musically, pursue project after project with vigorous enthusiasm and originality. Her artistic career must be appreciated as an ever-evolving and beautiful mosaic.


Ms Valenta, who was born in Brest and raised internationally, is now based in Dresden and travels extensively as a successful professional singer and songwriter, playing major concert halls in Rome, Zurich, Berlin, Moscow, and many other cities. During her career, she has been on TV and radio numerous times.


Meanwhile, she has also launched her first artistic porcelain collection, and collaborated with Dresdner Porzellan and prominent artist Holger John to do so. Her provocative, high-quality exhibitions have received commercial and critical acclaim in both Dresden and the Frankfurt International Trade Fair, and now she is looking to take her art to the global stage.


Her porcelain art and music reflects who she is in life: a soulful visionary, sincere and optimistic, unafraid to shatter cliches and find melodious harmony in the most unexpected of places.